Zuma’s MK Party wins first round against the ANC in Electoral Court

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Jacob Zuma addressing the Alexandra stadium crowd during the MK Party's mini-rally. (Tebogo Letsie/City Press)

Jacob Zuma addressing the Alexandra stadium crowd during the MK Party’s mini-rally. (Tebogo Letsie/City Press)

The Electoral Court, sitting in the Gauteng High Court in Johannesburg, has dismissed the ANC’s application to have former president Jacob Zuma’s uMkhonto weSizwe Party (MKP) deregistered.

The MKP’s registration application was approved by the Electoral Commission of SA (IEC) late last year.

In the unanimous decision, read by Judge Lebogang Modiba, the court found that the ANC – which acknowledged that it should have instituted court proceedings within the prescribed three days of the IEC’s decision – failed to explain why it waited longer to initiate court proceedings.

This is a developing story.

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