“Egun,” a new Nigerian horror movie produced by Ife Olujuyige, is set to hit theatres nationwide on November 10, 2023. The film, written by Kayode Kasum and Dare Olaitan, tells the story of a corporate office that receives an unexpected package containing juju. After receiving a call that informs them that all who have seen the contents of the box are bound to die, the people in the office go into a frenzy and start to fight each other for survival.
The film stars Gideon Okeke, Omowunmi Dada, Uzor Arukwe, Femi Jacobs, Bolaji Ogunmola, Adedimeji Lateef, Yekini Ibrahim, Olarotimi Fakunle, Vee Iye, Tomike Adeoye, Ejiro Onajaife, Taye Arimoro, and Darasimi Nnadi. It is produced by Film Trybe, which is known for other horror-like stories such as “Ile Owo” and “Mama.”
The trailer shows the people stuck in the office going into a frenzy, battling it out in a survival showdown.
Watch the trailer below: