NBA-SBL continues to stimulate Nigeria’s investment climate through its annual conference & exhibition

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The Nigerian Bar Association Section on Business Law (NBA-SBL) has been described as an avenue for stimulating growth in Nigeria’s business environment.

Dr. Adeoye Adefulu, Chairman, NBA-SBL, asserted the media parley to herald the 17th edition of the International Business Law conference and exhibition.

Delivering his welcome address, he said: “At the NBA-SBL, we are focused on improving Nigeria’s business environment. We do that by influencing laws, policies, and regulations which create better value for businesses. When there is a better climate for businesses to operate, the economy will improve, increasing the availability of jobs for the wider population.”

NBA,Dr. Adeoye Adefulu,


Speaking on the impact of the NBA-SBL conferences and exhibition, Dr. Adeoye said: “I confidently state that the discussions, deliberations, and resolutions that have come out of previous conferences have favorably impacted the Nigerian business terrain. An example is the Companies and Allied Matters Act. We have people here at the NBA-SBL who were integral to the reform of that Act.”

In her remarks, Ayoyinka Olajide-Awosedo, Chair of the Conference Planning Committee, said that this year’s edition could not have been held at a better time. She noted: “As we all know, it is a transitional year.We have a new government in place. The NBA-SBL can set an agenda and assist the government in looking at the laws, policies, and regulations pertinent to reviving our economy, encouraging investment, and attracting talent.”

Speaking on expectations at this year’s conference and exhibition, she said the NBA-SBL would engage relevant stakeholders, industry leaders, regulators, and policymakers to deliberate on policies that are working and those that need to be reviewed.

She added that discussions would also evolve around economic growth, the impact of technology in different sectors of the economy, and comparing Nigeria’s performance with other developing countries.



Ose Okpeku, Vice Chairman of this year’s NBA-SBL conference planning committee, stated that the event allowed robust conversations about pertinent topics. “Law has always been a tool for social engineering and change.The NBA-SBL conference and exhibition is an avenue to bring thought leaders and experts in specific areas together to have conversations and try and steer the government towards what it needs to do to stimulate economic growth.”

Also speaking on expectations at the conference, Adeleke Alex-Adedipe, Assistant Secretary, NBA-SBL, said: “It behoves on us as lawyers to assist the government of the day and ensure that we help with the existing policies, advice where necessary and ensure that the regulation is helping both the government and the businesses and not stifling their operations. I’m sure that this conference seeks and will achieve this feat. “

This year’s exhibition will also feature a tech hub in addition to the regular legal exhibitions.

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