My Side of the Story by Chukunweiken Nwaebube

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My Side of the Story

Chukunweiken Nwaebube

That’s how I was bundled from the fight
The light was lost
Couldn’t place my fingers on the place but I knew it
I wasn’t at fault

He had me trapped in the corner
‘cause he wanted to protect his image
when I was doing what was right
Reporting to the authorities

But think on these
The wrongly accused were locked up for speaking out
Then the nation we leave
Deaf eared on the voice of men
Those without the cash are treated rash
His side was shutuped

What would it be
‘Cause we don’t experience it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist

Let’s tell it out to the people
There’s a voice to be heard
Listen to it
Listen to his side of the story
Don’t be blind by cash
Take the right turn
Listen to his voice