MTN Bright Media health walk held

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Close to 100 keep fit fanatics, made up of MTN Corporate communications team and media personnel of the MTN Republic hit the streets of Legon on saturday to participate in the MTN Bright Media walk.

In attendance were top personnel of MTN Corporate Services and some staff of the company as well as media personnel who took time off their busy schedules to exercise

The 5.4km walk started from the UG Legon Gardens with members walking energetically through the TF Gate, Law School, Athletic Oval, Registry, Balme Library and back to the Law School, Pent, Evandy, TF Gate and ended at the Gardens.

The event commenced with a health screening exercise to check blood sugar and blood pressure.

And despite the early morning showers, the walk started under the guidance of a physical instructor, Matthew Frimpong, who took members through their paces with specific instructions at different areas, especially the hilly stretches.

At the gardens, members were taken through an aerobic session, undertaking cardiovascular work­outs, stretches and a host of other workout.

The event was also spiced up with a tug-of-war challenge be­tween print/online media versus a Radio/TV/MTN combined team as well as a musical chairs event.

Addressing members, the Chief Corporate Services and Sustainability Officer of MTN, Madam Adwoa Wiafe, com­mended all for attending to make use of the platform to exer­cise in order to stay healthy.

According to her, it was import­ant for members to take issues about their health seriously in order to reduce the number of visits to the hospital.

“Such activities, when undertak­en regularly, can in a way assure us of a good health status. I under­stand how difficult and quite tough it is for people to engage in such workouts alone. It is the reason we must take advantage of the Bright Media Healthwalk and other events by MTN to stay healthy,” she said.

President of the MTN Media Republic, Nana Appiah, thanked MTN for its unwavering commit­ment to the collective health and well-being of ‘Republicans’.


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