Melancholic Hues | Agbeye Oburumu

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Enveloped within the frigid embrace of a frozen lake,
Lost amidst a labyrinthine quest to reclaim
Shattered fragments of my scattered self, astray,
In poems, stories, and faces, solace and solace I gain.

Contemplating endlessly, my purpose and true identity,
Determinist or fatalist?
Beseeching myself day and night, seeking profound clarity,
Days fleeting, nights lingering, an endless perpetuity,
From dusk till dawn, in a trance, I remain bound.

In the darkest of nights, the brightest stars take form,
Yearning fervently for my own radiant ray to be born,
Living with passion, ardor, and desire, emotions torn,
Longing for that moment, when my star’s light will adorn.

Melancholy seeps within, hues of blue,
My reflection becoming ordinary, obscured from view,
Remorseful, I dare not face the mirror’s true,
Questioning the face before me, “Who?”

Every day, my prayers seek a glimmer of hope,
An extraordinary awakening, a chance to cope,
Through losses endured, I learn to navigate and cope,
Discovering my true self in life’s intricate slope.

Like the Phoenix rising from embers’ embrace,
Knowing myself anew, enlightened and full of grace,
The essence of growth, that which gives me my place,
Through life’s trials, I find my worth, my own embrace

About the Poet

Agbeye Oburumu is a history aficionado, a performance poet, and an academic researcher in literature and criticism. He holds an MA in English Literature and a BA in English and Literary Studies. His critical and literary works in literature, poetry, and criticism are published in international journals. He is a member of the Nigerian Literary Society (NLS), a runner-up of the Irish Refugee Council Poetry Grand Slam (Creativity and Change), and a longlistee of the Writing Ukraine Prize.