Kirsten Kluyts’ alleged murderer appears in court

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Bafana Makhungela in the Alexandra Magistrate's Court on Tuesday, 28 November 2023. He is accused of murdering Johannesburg teacher Kirsten Kluyts.

Bafana Makhungela in the Alexandra Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday, 28 November 2023. He is accused of murdering Johannesburg teacher Kirsten Kluyts.

PHOTO: Alex Patrick/News24

Twenty-one-year-old Varsity College student Bafana Makhungela appeared in the Alexandra Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday for the murder of Johannesburg teacher Kirsten Kluyts.

Makhungela was arrested on Sunday after police traced him to his student accommodation – 1.4km from where the teacher’s body was found. 

Kluyts had been participating in a community run and walk event when she went missing from the circuit at George Lea Park in Sandton last month. 

Other participants who had gone to search for her, found her naked and strangled.

More to follow.

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