Africa’s hospitality sector is on a robust trajectory, facilitated by Delphos 

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For the past three decades, one of the cornerstones of Delpho’s long-term success has been staying true to its intentional desire to contribute to measurable social or environmental benefits, otherwise known as impact investing.

The goal is to benefit the public good. It has never been just about profits  — investments are prioritised to create measurable benefits such as job creation, improved standards of living, and overall economic growth.

Fueled by a growing middle class and a projected CAGR of 8.9% or $731.4-billion by 2032 Africa’s business leisure market is on an upward trend.

Financial advisory firm, Delphos, knows this, which is why it specialises in facilitating the flow of capital toward transformative projects that don’t just turn a profit but uplift communities.

Financing ONOMO Hotels’ African Expansion   

In 2021, Delphos facilitated a $46.93 million debt capital financing for ONOMO Hotels. ONOMO, an operator of business hotels across African countries, plans to drive economic transformation through a major expansion drive across Cameroon, Djibouti, Mali, Senegal, and Ivory Coast, markets where it currently operates. This will be accomplished with the financing unlocked from the International Finance Corporation (IFC), as arranged by Delphos.

At first glance, this might look like a routine hospitality investment. However, beneath the surface, the ripple effects are profound. In these countries with noticeable underdeveloped hospitality/tourism infrastructure, ONOMO’s investment is a game-changer. With plans to build 2,600 new rooms and grow its portfolio to 32 hotels and other hospitality outfits, the company is helping to bridge a critical gap in Africa’s hospitality/tourism industries. This expansion will inevitably create jobs for local communities, boost the economies of five African nations, and foster greater resilience in the continent’s hospitality/tourism industry.

With British International Investment (BII) already backing ONOMO, this expansion signals an increasing commitment to infrastructure projects that can deliver meaningful change on the ground. The construction of new hotels will stimulate local suppliers, enhance business tourism, and support a more sustainable, inclusive future for African hospitality.

Driving Meaningful Change by Unlocking Capital for Impact Investing 

This deal is more than just a financial transaction. It highlights how Delphos leverages its financial expertise to channel capital into projects that deliver sustainable, long-term impacts. By aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Delphos ensures that projects it helps to finance are not only profitable but also socially responsible. For ONOMO Hotels, that means driving economic activity and creating jobs in regions that need it most, whilst ultimately positioning Africa’s hospitality sector for success.

Delphos’ ability to navigate complex financing landscapes and secure capital for high-impact projects is a testament to its role as a key enabler of sustainable growth. The company is focused on unlocking potential, fueling development, and ensuring that the projects it supports have a lasting, positive impact on communities.

As the world continues to evolve, so too does the role of finance in shaping a more equitable and sustainable future. With impact investing at the forefront, Delphos remains a driving force in making capital work not just for profit but for people and the planet alike.

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