Rivalry | Iniubong Bassey

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Two animals, domestic enough to be harbored,
Fight along a red soil surrounded by houses nearby,
And a lot depends on these two animals with four different legs
Brave enough to be guards on their duty posts.
One fights against the mice at home,
While the other is a watch-guard of the society;
So much depends on these two guards.
Amidst their strengths,
their combustions are like a terrible war
that will last a lifetime,
Undisputedly terrible, that two creatures
with four unique legs fight amongst themselves in seasons,
Like the rain struggles the atmosphere with the sun,
And this is how humans are,
when our purposes are not known;
We fight against each other in comparison and jealousy.

About the Poet

Iniubong Bassey is a Nigerian poet and an inspiring writer who is deeply penned with the desire of writing poetry. He is a contributing member of a literary network — The Writer’s Manger Network whose vision is aimed at promoting literacy in the globe.