Voices | Joel Oyeleke

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On the dusty road – I sink into the sounds I hear.
Around my ear’s drum, there is a resounding
clang of intonations
languages cascading
into the similitude
of noise in

I mean: here, you scream to your neighbor
in a bid to throw the pebble
of your voice into
an ocean
of orature.

The street is screaming
Music, blaring
The sky is chanting
Wind is an orchestra –

Actually, there is no speaker or listener:
we are all voices.

On the dusty road – I sink into the sounds I hear.
Around my ear’s drum, there is a resounding
clang of intonations
languages cascading
into the similitude
of noise in

I mean: here, you scream to your neighbor
in a bid to throw the pebble
of your voice into
an ocean
of orature.

The street is screaming
Music, blaring
The sky is chanting
Wind is an orchestra –

Actually, there is no speaker or listener:
we are all voices.

About the Poet

JOEL OYELEKE is a member of Hilltop Creative Arts Foundation from Osun state. Joel is a Nigerian poet, literary enthusiast, God-addict and Literature in English undergraduate of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun state.
Author of THE THEM IN ME (Direwords 2022), Winner of the Arting Arena Poetry Prize (2022), Coordinator of The Society of Young Nigerian Writers (OAU chapter), Publishing Officer II of the Association of Nigerian Authors (OAU chapter) and Curator of Poetry Village, OAU. He is published in IHRAF, The Nigerian Review, Poemify, Shuzia Magazine, Yellow house Library, Crusaders Magazine, The Sailors Review, Clean Ink Anthology (Ohio, 2022), iTell Stories and Everything Beautiful Blog, Pidgin Poetry Magazine, Panorama Magazine, Outlook India, and elsewhere.

2 thoughts on “Voices | Joel Oyeleke

  1. This is beautiful. The sense of presence and imagery is duly attractively used. I love the poem from the first word to it’s last.

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