Finding the Pate within us, By Henry Anibe Agbonika

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Dr Muhammad Ali Pate, CEO of Gavi Alliance. [PHOTO CREDIT: Twitter handle of Atiku Abubakar]
Dr Muhammad Ali Pate, former CEO of Gavi Alliance. [PHOTO CREDIT: Twitter handle of Atiku Abubakar]

By this singular act, Muhammad Ali Pate has ignited a renewed sense of hope and inspiration among Nigerians. His decision represents a beacon of light, illuminating a path towards Nigeria’s stronger and more resilient healthcare system. It is a testament to the transformative power of individuals who channel their expertise and passion towards serving their communities, even when faced with the allure of international recognition.

In life, we are frequently confronted with pivotal moments that force us to grapple with difficult decisions that have the power to shape our identity and define our values. Muhammad Ali Pate, a former minister of state for Health in Nigeria, was at such a crossroads. At this intersection, his priorities, values, and aspirations clashed, ultimately leading him to make a choice that astonished many. Initially selected to become the Chief Executive Officer of GAVI, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation, Pate made the bold and courageous decision to decline this prestigious position just a few months before his assumption of office and instead redirect his efforts towards his home country, Nigeria.

The news of Pate’s choice reverberated throughout the global health community, sparking discussions and speculation about the motivations behind his surprising decision. His selection as the CEO of GAVI had been met with widespread anticipation and excitement, as his impressive credentials and stellar reputation positioned him as a strong candidate for this influential role. However, amidst the grandeur and international acclaim that awaited him, Pate chose a different path that led him back to the very roots from which he had grown.

Nigeria’s healthcare system has long been burdened with numerous challenges, ranging from inadequate infrastructure and funding to limited access to quality healthcare services for its vast population. In the face of these pressing issues, Muhammad Ali Pate’s decision to return and contribute his expertise, knowledge, and passion to the betterment of his homeland, was a momentous act of patriotism and selflessness.

For someone of Pate’s calibre and international standing, the allure of assuming the position of Chief Executive Officer of GAVI, a prestigious global organisation, would have been undeniable. It was an opportunity for personal accolades, international recognition, and the chance to lead a prominent organisation with a global impact. However, he chose a different path.

When Pate informed Gavi of his decision, he acknowledged the magnitude of his choice. By using the phrase “incredibly difficult decision,” he conveyed the emotional and intellectual struggle he experienced in reaching his conclusion. This decision was not taken lightly but resulted from profound contemplation and a deep understanding of its implications on his personal and professional life. The complexity of this decision lies in the fact that Pate was presented with an extraordinary opportunity to lead a global organisation like GAVI. This position would have undoubtedly brought him further international recognition, influence, and prestige. It represented a chance to make a significant impact on a global scale and contribute to the advancement of global healthcare.


Indeed, GAVI is a prominent non-profit organisation with a remarkable track record of providing vaccines to developing countries. Since its establishment in 2000, it has ensured equitable access to vaccines for vulnerable populations, particularly children in lower-income countries.

GAVI’s impact on global health is undeniable. Through its initiatives and partnerships, the organisation has successfully delivered vaccines to more than 981 million children, saving countless lives and preventing over 16.2 million future deaths. These efforts have been instrumental in reducing child mortality rates in 73 low-income countries, a significant achievement in the fight against preventable diseases.

Little wonder it was a difficult decision for Pate. Gavi’s impact on global health and its role in delivering life-saving vaccines to millions of children and vulnerable populations could have provided him with an influential platform to make a substantial difference on a global scale.

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On the other hand, accepting the request to return and contribute to his home country, Nigeria, meant facing a different set of challenges and responsibilities. Nigeria’s healthcare system has long struggled with various issues, including inadequate infrastructure, limited access to quality healthcare services, and persistent health disparities. By accepting the request, he recognised the urgent need for his expertise, knowledge, and passion to address these pressing challenges and contribute to the betterment of his people. The decision to prioritise Nigeria over personal accolades and international recognition required Pate to consider his ambitions and the impact he could have on the lives of millions of Nigerians. It demonstrates his unwavering commitment to positively impacting Nigeria’s healthcare system and his sense of duty towards his homeland. In addition, the decision to return to Nigeria had personal significance for him. It symbolised a reconnection with his roots and a desire to make a tangible difference in the country that shaped him. It also reflects his profound attachment to the Nigerian people and his belief in the potential of his fellow citizens to overcome challenges and drive progress.

Ultimately, Pate’s decision to accept the request to contribute to Nigeria is a testament to his character, integrity, and unwavering commitment to serving the greater good. It was a choice that required him to navigate the intricate balance between personal aspirations and the call to make a lasting impact in his home country. By making this incredibly difficult decision, Pate has set an example for others, urging individuals to examine their values, priorities, and responsibilities towards their nations. It reminds us that the most profound choices often demand sacrifices and require us to rise above personal ambitions to pursue a greater purpose.

Evidently, the decision was not just about his personal journey but of the transformative power of unwavering dedication, patriotism, and the indomitable spirit of service. It stands as an enduring inspiration for all, encouraging us to consider how we can contribute to the betterment of our own countries and make a meaningful impact on the lives of our fellow citizens. His experience as a medical doctor and professor of practice of Public Health Leadership at Harvard University’s Department of Global Health and Population gave him invaluable insights and expertise, making him an invaluable asset to his home country’s healthcare landscape. Recognising the urgent need for his skills and knowledge, Pate placed his capabilities where they could make the most significant difference.

This remarkable decision has far-reaching implications beyond his personal journey. It serves as a potent reminder that the most influential individuals are not solely defined by their accomplishments on the global stage but by their unwavering commitment to their communities and the transformative impact they create within their societies. Pate’s choice encourages us to reflect on the balance between personal aspirations and the pursuit of collective progress, reminding us that the truest measure of success lies not in individual accolades but in the lasting legacy we leave behind.

By this singular act, Muhammad Ali Pate has ignited a renewed sense of hope and inspiration among Nigerians. His decision represents a beacon of light, illuminating a path towards Nigeria’s stronger and more resilient healthcare system. It is a testament to the transformative power of individuals who channel their expertise and passion towards serving their communities, even when faced with the allure of international recognition.

The path to progress is a challenging one. It demands sacrifice, resilience, and unwavering dedication. Muhamed Ali Pate’s remarkable choice exemplifies this truth. By prioritising Nigeria’s healthcare landscape over personal acclaim, he demonstrated the transformative power that lies within the indomitable spirit of service. His decision showcases the immense impact that can be achieved when we set aside our personal aspirations and commit ourselves to the collective welfare of our nation.

Nigeria, a country with immense potential, faces numerous challenges across various sectors. However, Pate’s decision reminds us that we possess the power to effect change. We all can be the Pate within ourselves, to prioritise the greater good over personal gain, and to dedicate our skills and knowledge to addressing the pressing needs of our nation.

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As he has so clearly embodied, the spirit of patriotism calls upon Nigerians to rise above individual ambitions and work towards a shared vision of progress. It encourages us to explore avenues where our expertise, passion, and resources can be channeled for the betterment of Nigeria. Whether in healthcare, education, infrastructure, or any other sector, each of us has a role in building a brighter future.

Emulating Pate’s unwavering dedication and commitment to Nigeria requires overcoming personal barriers and embracing a sense of duty. It necessitates recognising that the accurate measure of success lies not only in personal achievements but also in the impact we have on the lives of our fellow citizens. His story reminds us that our collective efforts can create a ripple effect, inspiring others to join us towards a stronger, more prosperous Nigeria. The transformation we seek begins within each of us. It starts with a conscious decision to put Nigeria’s needs before our own. By harnessing our talents, skills, and resources, we can contribute to the advancement of our nation. Whether through innovation, entrepreneurship, social activism, or public service, we can make a tangible difference through countless avenues.

Pate’s decision is a powerful call to action for all Nigerians. It goes beyond being just his story, as it invites every citizen to discover the Pate within themselves – a symbol of unwavering dedication and the indomitable spirit of service. His choice becomes a beacon of hope in a country with numerous challenges, inspiring us to unite and work collectively towards a brighter future. It is a reminder that each of us has the power to make a significant impact and contribute to the betterment of our beloved nation.

Finding the Pate within us means embracing the values of patriotism, selflessness, and resilience. It is about recognising that our individual actions, no matter how small, can collectively create a transformative change. It is a call to actively shape Nigeria’s destiny and foster an environment where progress and unity can thrive.

Let us unite to build a Nigeria we can all be proud of, transcending differences and personal ambitions. A Nigeria that embodies the principles of inclusivity, justice, and equal opportunities. It is a collective endeavour that requires us to prioritise the needs of our nation over personal gains and to actively contribute to the sectors that require our expertise and dedication.

By finding the Pate within us, we can strengthen Nigeria’s healthcare system, improve education, empower marginalised communities, and foster an environment of innovation and progress. It is a commitment to leave a legacy for future generations, ensuring they inherit a thriving and prosperous nation.

Let us draw inspiration from Pate’s unwavering commitment to his country and channel that same passion into our spheres of influence. Whether we are healthcare professionals, educators, entrepreneurs, or community leaders, we all have a role in nation-building. Each of us possesses unique talents and abilities that can contribute to the collective progress of Nigeria.

As we embark on this journey together, let us embrace collaboration, dialogue, and inclusivity. Let us support and uplift one another, recognising that true progress can only be achieved when we work hand in hand, leveraging our diverse strengths.

Finding the Pate within us rekindles the flame of patriotism and ignites a sense of responsibility towards our nation. Together, let us build a Nigeria that thrives – one in which the dreams and aspirations of every citizen are realised, where unity prevails, and where resilience overcomes all challenges.

The path may be arduous, but with the Pate spirit burning brightly within us, we can overcome any obstacle and create a future that our children and grandchildren will be proud to inherit. Let us embark on this journey of nation-building, inspired by Muhammad Ali Pate’s selfless decision, and together, let us forge a remarkable legacy for generations to come.

Henry Anibe Agbonika, a policy and governance reforms consultant, writes from Abuja, Nigeria.

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