Seek more collaborations to contain any food-insecure situation

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 The United Nations (UN), in collaboration with the Upper East Regional Coordinating Council (RCC), has launched a joint project aimed at enhancing food security, nutrition and resilience for the vulnerable and asylum seekers in the Upper East and Upper West regions.

The project is expected to ad­dress food insecurity and malnu­trition, in addition to building the resilience of vulnerable asylum seekers by integrating livelihood strengthening, prevention and treatment of malnutrition.

The Ghanaian Times agrees that the about 12,000 beneficiaries actually have to heave a sigh of relief because their communities are said to be the most food-inse­cure in the two regions.

Therefore, the implementation of the project would definitely bring massive improvement to their lives.

Undoubtedly, food, including water, is very important for hu­man survival and progress.

This is because it is food that gives the strength for everyone to be able to pursue their endeav­ours.

Lack of food means hunger and hunger threatens the good health needed to pursue endeav­ours for individual progress and national development.

Therefore, if an area in a country is threatened by hunger, it means it cannot contribute its quota to national development.

Already, it is public knowledge that the regions in the northern part of the country are suffering agricultural challenges.

It is reported, for instance that the Upper West Region is facing a severe crisis as a prolonged drought has led to a halt in rainfall in major parts of the region, with the situation having left farmers in a state of despair because most of their crops are withering away due to the lack of rain.

The experts say the conse­quences of this drought are far-reaching, and that if the chal­lenges are not addressed prompt­ly, they could lead to a severe food shortage in the region.

In view of this, The Ghanaian Times views the collaboration between the UN and the Upper East RCC as a proactive move to stem food crisis in both the Up­per East and Upper West regions.

In fact, the UN system de­serves commendation for the various forms of assistance it gives to needy countries through the UN itself and many funds, programmes, specialised agencies, and other organisations.

It is good that the UN recog­nises that certain issues transcend national boundaries and cannot be solved by any one country all by itself.

Therefore, it believes that it has to act on these particular issues because if they are not addressed, they could negatively impact the lives, slow progress and halt progress in all sectors of human life.

Today, it has formulated the Sustainable Development Goals, which seek to encourage member states to find solutions to the many challenges plaguing their peoples.

Regarding the current col­laboration, the Government of France also deserves tonnes of praise for funding project, which is also programmed to integrate social and behaviour change interventions for the adoption of positive health and nutrition lifestyles.

It is everyone’s hope that the Government of Ghana would seek more of such collabora­tions in readiness to contain any probable food-insecure situation in the country next year, con­sidering the fact that the crop production front has not been favourable this year due to erratic rainfall.

The post Seek more collaborations to contain any food-insecure situation appeared first on Ghanaian Times.

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