How to respect a celebrity’s personal space when taking pictures

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This incident, amongst many others, underscores the need for fans to approach celebrities with respect and mindfulness. Here are some guidelines to keep in mind when trying to make lifelong memories with your faves.

Even though spotting your favourite celebrity can be exciting and thrilling, you cannot just rush at them. They’re human too and can also be easily frightened, so to avoid getting sucker punched or worse, always start by politely asking if you can take a picture. A simple request shows respect and often yields a more positive response.

Everybody has personal space and celebrities are no different; try not to enter their bubble suddenly and maintain a comfortable distance. If the celebrity seems busy or distracted, it’s best to wait or forget about the picture altogether.

When your fave has given you the go-ahead to take pictures or videos, be quick with it; especially if other fans are waiting in line. Celebrities often have tight schedules and may not want to linger for long.

This is very important; you have to read the room! Pay attention to the celebrity’s cues. If they appear uncomfortable or uninterested, it’s essential to back off. If they are busy talking to someone else, wait your turn and don’t interrupt them if they are busy.

Boundaries are super important when dealing with everyone and not everyone likes their space being invaded. Keeping that in mind, do not put your hands around your fave without asking first. Consent is crucial so if you must initiate any sort of physical contact while taking your pictures, ask first. If you’re too shy, it’s best to control your excitement and stay put.

Try to approach them when they’re not surrounded by fans, they might be overwhelmed and overstimulated. This makes for a more personal and respectful interaction.

At the end of the interaction, always thank the celebrity regardless of the outcome. It’s common courtesy.

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