PODCAST | Brand New Adult: Muvhango’s Mulisa Mudau on upbringing, role models and growth

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Mulisa Mudau speaks to Chrizelda Kekana on Brand New Adults. (Oupa Bopape/Gallo Images)

Mulisa Mudau speaks to Chrizelda Kekana on Brand New Adults. (Oupa Bopape/Gallo Images)

Join Chrizelda Kekana and Muvhango actor Mulisa Mudau as the pair take a trip down memory lane reflecting on some of the hard lessons they’ve learned about being an adult and the few times when being an adult proved to have some perks! Chrizelda and Mulisa chat about the importance of being taught right from wrong and how adulting is the true test of whether your parents succeeded in helping you grow into a decent human being.

This Brand New Adult episode is filled with candid, humorous insights that will leave you all the better for tuning in.

One thing you learn about being an adult from the people around you is that it is a true reflection of good or bad home training.

Growing up, we are taught (in most cases) what is right versus what is wrong. However, it is not always immediately clear if the teachings landed. But once you are an adult, there’s no hiding what stuck and what didn’t.

This is what News24 Lifestyle editor Chrizelda Kekana and TV presenter turned actor Mulisa Mudau speak about in a light-hearted, candid conversation on self-development in the context of dealing with adulthood.

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