Labour Party, Lawmakers Continue Fight Over Convention

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The Labour Party and its caucus at the National Assembly are engrossed in fight over the planned national congresses and convention.

The LP caucus leader in the House of Representatives, Hon Afam Ogene had earlier said it is unconventional to conduct their convention before state, local government and ward congresses.

But in response, the national publicity secretary of the LP, Obiora Ifoh said their House of Representatives members failed to be true ambassadors of the people.

“By this statement from Hon Ogene, it is pertinent to point out that he is very unknowledgeable as it relates to the provision of the constitution of the party under which he was elected.

“We had expected, even though he is coming from the background of PDP and APC, he should not mistake the APC and PDP constitutions to that of the Labour Party. We would like to educate him to note that as the other parties’ constitutions are different so is the Labour Party.

“In line with Article 15:1-4 of our party constitution, there is no equality of tenure. While the Ward, local government and state executives have three years tenure, the national executive has four years tenure.

“As at the moment, party executives in over sixteen states are subsisting because they have conducted their congresses. We had expected Hon. Ogene to read the constitution of the party before making public comments against the party.

“The leader of the caucus is the alter ego of the party who should defend the party policy and programmes in the National Assembly. And for him to say that the House of Representatives caucus was not informed about the convention is clearly a mischief taken too far.

“For the records, the House of Representatives through the caucus leader was duly informed about the coming convention. We are aghast at the kind of politics Hon. Ogene has chosen to play. It is therefore very unhealthy for him to rush to the press to misinform our members. We had expected him to be a liaison between the party leadership and the national assembly and as a leader he claims to be to help in ensuring that peace reigns in the party at all time,” Obiora said adding that they are also shocked that members of the House of Representatives elected under the Labour Party are always quick to rush to the media whenever the party makes major decisions.

“This is against the background that they have never risen to the occasion as members of the Labour Party in the House who are supposed to be the voice of the people and speak truth to power, in spite of the numerous challenges the country is going through.

“Again, considering the sacrifices made by Nigerians in electing these Labour Party legislators, we had expected them to be the Ambassadors of the People. It appears that they seat at the National Assembly for themselves alone. It is obvious that it is only when it concerns the party that they flex muscles. They need not be told of the persecution the party leadership has been undergoing in the hands of the government in power as a result of their election into offices and yet, they have no qualms in bringing the party to opprobrium at any given opportunity,” the statement added.


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