💻ES6 tutorial: template literal in javascript

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Before ES6, we use single quotes (') or double quotes (") to wrap a string literally. And the strings have very limited functionality.

In ES6, we can create a template literal by wrapping text in backticks (

““) Example:

let simple = `This is a template literal`;

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Here are some key features of template literals:

Multiline Strings:

With template literals, you can create multiline strings without the need for escape characters or concatenation.

const multiline = `
  This is
  a multiline
  string.` ;

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Variable Interpolation:

We can simply include the variable or expression within ${}

const name = "Javascript";
const greeting = `Hello, ${name}!`;

console.log(greeting); // Output: Hello, Alice!

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Tagged templates:

Tagged template is written like a function definition. However, you do not pass parentheses () when calling the literal.

const name="JS";
const greet = true;

function tag(strings, nameValue) {
    let str0 = strings[0]; // Hello
    let str1 = strings[1]; // , How are you?

    if(greet) {
        return `${str0}${nameValue}${str1}`;

// passing argument name
const result = tag`Hello ${name}, How are you?`;


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