6 secessionists jailed 26 years

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The Accra High Court has sentenced six members of the Western Togoland Res­toration Front (WTRF), belonging to secessionist group in Ghana, to various years of imprisonment.

Kwame Tornyeveadzi was sentenced to six years imprison­ment on the charge of stealing an AK47 rifle belonging to the Gha­na Police, at Aveyime in the Volta region, on September 25, 2020.

Five other accomplices were also sentenced to four years imprisonment each by the court presided over by Mrs Justice Mary Maame Ekue Yanzuh.

The six were variously charged with 19 counts of attending meet­ings of a prohibited organisation, participation in campaign of prohibited organisation, making contribution for the benefit of prohibited organisation and being members of a prohibited organ­isation.

The court earlier found them guilty on the charges and con­victed them but deferred their sentences.

The court in sentencing the ac­cused, said it considered the fact that they were first time offenders and the time they had spent in custody.

It, however, took a serious view of the charge of stealing and the attack launched by followers of the group on a police station.

Mr Chris Ackumey, counsel for the convicts, prayed the court to deal leniently with his client be­cause they had been custody for the past two years, seven months.

The lawyer said the convicts were only desirous of knowing the history of where they came from.

“They were in search of knowl­edge. Unfortunately our quest for knowledge has landed as where we are now. They have no intent of falling foul of the law.

We found ourselves in the circumstances beyond our control and same had landed us where we are,” Mr Ackumey said.

He told the court that his clients while in custody, had suffered emotionally, physically, spiritually and had also displayed remorse during the trial.

“Given the chance, we would not commit the mess again. Con­sider the trauma and suffering we have gone through,” Mr Ackumey added.

Mr Joshua Sackey, a Senior Attorney for the Republic, prayed the court to hand down deter­rent sentences and fines on the convicts, to serve as a warning to other like-minded persons.

According to him, the convicts had not shown any remorse and rejected the assertion by defence counsel that the convicts wanted to learn their history.

The National Security Council, based on intelligence, arrested members of the Western To­goland Restoration Front, who on September 25, 2020, blocked roads at Juapong and Sogakope, in the Volta Region, and set fire to two STC buses.

The convicts were arrested for being members of the WTRF and their various roles in the group’s activities such as attending meet­ings, contribution of funds and the receipt of funds for running the Organisation.

The WTRF is part of a splinter organisation of the Homeland Study Group Foundation, whose objective was to secede from Ghana. – GNA

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