Bajaj Auto has finally launched the new and updated Bajaj Pulsar RS 200 motorcycle in the Indian market. This is the first update after over a decade since it first came out, and it’s a relatively minor update. The price has seen a slight increase, now standing at Rs 1.84 lakh, which is Rs 10,000 more than before. Interested customers can book the motorcycle online or by visiting their nearest dealership, deliveries are expected to begin soon.
There are no major changes in terms of design, at the front the motorcycle looks the same as before. It continues to get fully faired body panels with angular bodywork, it gets a twin-pod LED headlamp setup with three dot DRLs placed above. However, it now gets new graphics all over and at the rear, it gets a revised tail section. It now features split bracket-shaped integrated LED taillights with each pod combining the indicator and tail-lamp into a single unit. Overall, most of the design stays the same and it’s now offered with three colour options – black, white and red.
Features-wise, it gets a colour LCD instrument cluster and new switchgear borrowed from the NS 400Z. It gets Bluetooth connectivity, turn-by-turn navigation and call/notification alerts. It also gets three riding modes – Off-Road, Road and Rain. Mechanically, the Pulsar RS200 remains unchanged. It continues to get the same liquid-cooled, 199cc, single-cylinder engine that puts out 24.5hp of power at 9,750rpm and 18.7Nm at 8,000rpm and comes paired to a 6-speed gearbox with a slipper clutch. Safety-wise, it gets dual-channel ABS.
The motorcycle continues to get telescopic front forks and a mono-shock setup at the rear. This is somewhat disappointing, considering that the NS 200, a sibling of the RS, comes equipped with USD front forks. It has disc brakes on both ends with dual-channel ABS and gets 17-inch alloy wheels wrapped up in 110 and 170-section rubber.