Dinner came early today.
Many plates full of emptiness
Awaiting siblings’ hungry mouth.
Dinner came watery yesterday
And today, spoons will visit deserted plates;
Unpleasant music for a famished soul.
“Come. Join us in the meal”
Mother’s fragile voice
Calls on a neighbour
Through the broken window.
About Wisdom C. Nwoga
Wisdom Chika Nwoga is a Nigerian creative enthusiast, academic, literary scholar, broadcast journalist, playwright, and poet. His critical and literary works on African literature and commitment are widely read in both national and international journals. He is a recognized member of the International Society for Development and Sustainability (ISDS) Japan. He is featured in Of Poetic Yellow Trumpet: an anthology of poetry edited by Brigitte Poirson and Samson Iruesiri Kukogho; New Ink Review (Zambia); The Best New African Poets 2021 Anthology edited by Tendai Mwanaka, Balddine Moussa and Lorna Telma Zita, and elsewhere. He is an editor to both national and international journals; including the Canadian Journal of English and Literature Studies.